20 articles
Can I change the “coupon” and/or offer different “coupons” for each Website Conversion Experience?
Can I customize colors, pictures and the design of Website Conversion Experiences?
Do you have any other experiences/quizzes I can use on my website?
What notifications will I receive from the PERQ CRM? When should I expect them?
How do you create & save a filter within the PERQ CRM?
How do you filter leads in the CRM to only show Current Day?
I’m getting way too many repeat notifications from PERQ. Can I turn those off?
Why must I create a Pending Task and complete it in the CRM?
How do I clear a pending task from the CRM?
How do we know if a salesperson followed up with the leads assigned to them in the CRM?
After I make a phone call to a customer, how do I log that in the CRM?
Why are some leads marked Red when they come into the CRM, but they’re not ready to buy?
What happens to the Blue Leads in the CRM if we don’t follow up?
How long do I need to keep Contact Records on the CRM Contacts Page?
How do you mark a deal as Won/Lost in the CRM? Why do I have to do this?
Do you use our personal cell phone numbers for texting in/out of the CRM?
How many follow-up attempts should I make to reach leads provided in the CRM?
Is it OK to call a PERQ lead, even if the shopper didn’t say they preferred a call?
My follow-up cadence is over for my CRM lead, what should I do?
My PERQ lead came into the store to shop, now what?