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Assigning Leads in PERQ CRM

How to assign leads to your team in PERQ CRM

Updated over 5 years ago

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Video Transcript

Hey there! In this video we're going to take a look at how you or a designated person on your team can start assigning leads in PERQ CRM. Let's get into it. 

Again, go to contact manager and contacts from the hamburger menu on the left hand side. From this view, you'll be able to see all of the leads for all of the stores you have access to. Use the PERQ Unassigned filter to see all of the new leads that need to be assigned to a salesperson. 

Remember that the colored stages indicate how hot a lead is and the flag indicates that the customer requested specific information and should be followed up with quickly!

To individually assign leads, click on the unassigned text in that owned by user column. From here, the location will automatically populate from the leads preference. In the salesperson field, select a salesperson from the dropdown list. Only salespeople from that location will show in this list. Immediately when you select the user, the lead will be assigned and the salesperson will receive an email and push notification if they have push notifications turned on. 

If you'd like to assign multiple leads to the same salesperson, we'll use the checkboxes on the far left side. Once you have the leads checked, select reassign from the bulk actions menu at the top of the contact list. Then select the salesperson and it will automatically assign your leads. When using bulk assign, all leads will be assigned to the same salesperson.

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