The Active Deals, Past Due Tasks, and Upcoming Tasks tabs have "Filter / Sort" buttons that allow the user to specify filter and sort options. The filter and sort options are the same for Past Due Tasks and Upcoming Tasks.
"Filter / Sort Deals" dialog
This screenshot shows how the toolbar changes when one or more filters have been applied. A "Clear Filters" button appears and the text to the right side of the toolbar indicates that a filter has been applied along with the current sort.
New "Filter & Sort" functionality for the mobile app in Work Follow-Ups and Tasks. New tabbed interface that matches the functionality of the web interface.
This screenshot shows the new tabbed interface (bottom) and Filters button (upper right) for the Work Follow-Ups and Tasks screen on mobile.
This screenshot shows the Filter and Sort Deals dialog.
This screenshot shows how the toolbar changes when one or more filters have been applied. A "Clear" button appears to the right of the filter button to indicate that a filter is active. Clicking the Clear button clears all filters and shows all deals again.